Room 3 Rocks!

We bounce through the door each morning ready to go! We love our school, teachers and everyone else who comes along to visit us. We try to keep fit with lots of sport, jump jam, cross country and swimming in the summer. Children publish new posts on the blog independently and so some spellings may not be correct. Come and have a look!

Thursday, 23 June 2011

 Koby received his 'Student of the Week' award for his great attitude and for his excellent work in writing and reading.
 Rose earned a pencil from Mr Osmond for her amazing efforts with her handwriting and she also earned a values certificate.
 Heike received a values award for consistently displaying Fordell School's values.
Good work Max!  Max achieved 5 stars on the star chart for his hard work and Mr Osmond presented him with his certificate in assembly.
On alternate Friday mornings we meet up with Pre-school and the children in Room 3 read to them.

 John and Blake reading to Angus.
 Seth reading to Sam.

 Koby enjoyed reading to the girls on the comfy couch!
 Rose and Stevie enjoyed their book.
 Thank goodness for big brothers!  George reading to his little sister Maggie.

Max and Max - a great combo!

We had a healthy brain-food break during maths.  What funny faces!  The oranges had been brought to the Rippa Rugby tournament held at Fordell on Wednesday and it would have been a shame to waste them!

Monday, 20 June 2011

Thursday afternoon is an exciting time for Room 3.  It is club afternoon!  Here you can see the class learning how to play the ukulele with Mrs Fraser.  Other club activities include science, outdoor games and dance.  Fun times at Fordell.